Starknet Accounts and Network Updates

There are already numerous implementations of Abstract Accounts, many of which provide awesome features:

The 2024 Starknet roadmap provides some details about the expected features. In particular, see Mattéo Georges answer in Dec 2023 that suggests the Paymaster is not yet prioritized.

Proposals, Whitepapers and Docs for Ethereum Accounts

  • Adam Egyed (@adamegyed), Fangting Liu (@trinity-0111), Jay Paik (@jaypaik), Yoav Weiss (@yoavw), Huawei Gu (@huaweigu), Daniel Lim (@dlim-circle), Zhiyu Zhang (@ZhiyuCircle), "ERC-6900: Modular Smart Contract Accounts and Plugins [DRAFT]," Ethereum Improvement Proposals, no. 6900, April 2023. [Online serial]. Available:
  • zeroknots (@zeroknots), Konrad Kopp (@kopy-kat), Taek Lee (@leekt), Fil Makarov (@filmakarov), Elim Poon (@yaonam), Lyu Min (@rockmin216), "ERC-7579: Minimal Modular Smart Accounts [DRAFT]," Ethereum Improvement Proposals, no. 7579, December 2023. [Online serial]. Available:
  • Safe Module system that supports an alpha implementation of the Safe{Core} Protocol
  • The Kernel Smart Contract
  • The RIP 7560 that is a proposal to make ERC 4337 mandatory for rollups.

Module Registry

  • Konrad Kopp (@kopy-kat), zeroknots (@zeroknots), "ERC-7484: Registry Extension for ERC-7579 [DRAFT]," Ethereum Improvement Proposals, no. 7484, August 2023. [Online serial]. Available:

Module Use-Cases

Modules help to address advanced scenarios. They are often classified in 4 groups:

  • Roles: e.g. spending limits, associated token: vTokens, NFT(id) or Oracle, multiple factor for administrative privileges, recurring payments, alternative signatures including faceid or fingerprints, zkproof, Merkle tree for Offchain ACL
  • Recovery: e.g. social recovery, custodial recovery, physical devices, other secrets validation
  • Protection: e.g. allow/deny list, freeze account, external whitelisting, Oracle MEV protection
  • Modifiers: e.g. time-lock, cooldown/grace period, bonds

To dig deeper into some of the many scenarios associated with Module, you can have a look at existing implementations like:

Other resources

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