@0xknwn/starknet-module-sessionkey / Exports


Table of contents


Type Aliases



Type Aliases


Ƭ Policies: Policy[]

Defined in



Ƭ Policy: Object

Type declaration


Defined in




Const SessionKeyValidatorABI: readonly [{ interface_name: "smartr::component::version::IVersion" = "smartr::component::version::IVersion"; name: "VersionImpl" = "VersionImpl"; type: "impl" = "impl" }, { items: readonly [{ inputs: readonly [] = []; name: "get_version" = "get_version"; outputs: readonly [{ type: "core::felt252" = "core::felt252" }] ; state_mutability: "view" = "view"; type: "function" = "function" }, { inputs: readonly [] = []; name: "get_name" = "get_name"; outputs: readonly [{ type: "core::felt252" = "core::felt252" }] ; state_mutability: "view" = "view"; type: "function" = "function" }] ; name: "smartr::component::version::IVersion" = "smartr::component::version::IVersion"; type: "interface" = "interface" }, { interface_name: "smartr::modules::sessionkeyvalidator::sessionkeyvalidator::IDisableSessionKey" = "smartr::modules::sessionkeyvalidator::sessionkeyvalidator::IDisableSessionKey"; name: "DisableSessionKeyImpl" = "DisableSessionKeyImpl"; type: "impl" = "impl" }, { name: "core::bool" = "core::bool"; type: "enum" = "enum"; variants: readonly [{ name: "False" = "False"; type: "()" = "()" }, { name: "True" = "True"; type: "()" = "()" }] }, { items: readonly [{ inputs: readonly [{ name: "sessionkey" = "sessionkey"; type: "core::felt252" = "core::felt252" }] ; name: "disable_session_key" = "disable_session_key"; outputs: readonly [] = []; state_mutability: "external" = "external"; type: "function" = "function" }, { inputs: readonly [{ name: "sessionkey" = "sessionkey"; type: "core::felt252" = "core::felt252" }] ; name: "is_disabled_session_key" = "is_disabled_session_key"; outputs: readonly [{ type: "core::bool" = "core::bool" }] ; state_mutability: "view" = "view"; type: "function" = "function" }] ; name: "smartr::modules::sessionkeyvalidator::sessionkeyvalidator::IDisableSessionKey" = "smartr::modules::sessionkeyvalidator::sessionkeyvalidator::IDisableSessionKey"; type: "interface" = "interface" }, { interface_name: "smartr::component::validator::IValidator" = "smartr::component::validator::IValidator"; name: "ValidatorImpl" = "ValidatorImpl"; type: "impl" = "impl" }, { members: readonly [{ name: "snapshot" = "snapshot"; type: "@core::array::Array::<core::felt252>" = "@core::array::Array::<core::felt252>" }] ; name: "core::array::Span::<core::felt252>" = "core::array::Span::<core::felt252>"; type: "struct" = "struct" }, { members: readonly [{ name: "to" = "to"; type: "core::starknet::contract_address::ContractAddress" = "core::starknet::contract_address::ContractAddress" }, { name: "selector" = "selector"; type: "core::felt252" = "core::felt252" }, { name: "calldata" = "calldata"; type: "core::array::Span::<core::felt252>" = "core::array::Span::<core::felt252>" }] ; name: "core::starknet::account::Call" = "core::starknet::account::Call"; type: "struct" = "struct" }, { items: readonly [{ inputs: readonly [{ name: "grantor_class" = "grantor_class"; type: "core::starknet::class_hash::ClassHash" = "core::starknet::class_hash::ClassHash" }, { name: "calls" = "calls"; type: "core::array::Array::<core::starknet::account::Call>" = "core::array::Array::<core::starknet::account::Call>" }] ; name: "validate" = "validate"; outputs: readonly [{ type: "core::felt252" = "core::felt252" }] ; state_mutability: "view" = "view"; type: "function" = "function" }] ; name: "smartr::component::validator::IValidator" = "smartr::component::validator::IValidator"; type: "interface" = "interface" }, { interface_name: "smartr::component::validator::IConfigure" = "smartr::component::validator::IConfigure"; name: "ConfigureImpl" = "ConfigureImpl"; type: "impl" = "impl" }, { items: readonly [{ inputs: readonly [{ name: "call" = "call"; type: "core::starknet::account::Call" = "core::starknet::account::Call" }] ; name: "call" = "call"; outputs: readonly [{ type: "core::array::Array::<core::felt252>" = "core::array::Array::<core::felt252>" }] ; state_mutability: "view" = "view"; type: "function" = "function" }, { inputs: readonly [{ name: "call" = "call"; type: "core::starknet::account::Call" = "core::starknet::account::Call" }] ; name: "execute" = "execute"; outputs: readonly [{ type: "core::array::Array::<core::felt252>" = "core::array::Array::<core::felt252>" }] ; state_mutability: "external" = "external"; type: "function" = "function" }] ; name: "smartr::component::validator::IConfigure" = "smartr::component::validator::IConfigure"; type: "interface" = "interface" }, { inputs: readonly [] = []; name: "constructor" = "constructor"; type: "constructor" = "constructor" }, { kind: "enum" = "enum"; name: "smartr::component::validator::ValidatorComponent::Event" = "smartr::component::validator::ValidatorComponent::Event"; type: "event" = "event"; variants: readonly [] = [] }, { kind: "enum" = "enum"; name: "openzeppelin::introspection::src5::SRC5Component::Event" = "openzeppelin::introspection::src5::SRC5Component::Event"; type: "event" = "event"; variants: readonly [] = [] }, { kind: "struct" = "struct"; members: readonly [{ kind: "key" = "key"; name: "new_owner_guid" = "new_owner_guid"; type: "core::array::Array::<core::felt252>" = "core::array::Array::<core::felt252>" }] ; name: "smartr::component::account::AccountComponent::OwnerAdded" = "smartr::component::account::AccountComponent::OwnerAdded"; type: "event" = "event" }, { kind: "struct" = "struct"; members: readonly [{ kind: "key" = "key"; name: "removed_owner_guid" = "removed_owner_guid"; type: "core::array::Array::<core::felt252>" = "core::array::Array::<core::felt252>" }] ; name: "smartr::component::account::AccountComponent::OwnerRemoved" = "smartr::component::account::AccountComponent::OwnerRemoved"; type: "event" = "event" }, { kind: "enum" = "enum"; name: "smartr::component::account::AccountComponent::Event" = "smartr::component::account::AccountComponent::Event"; type: "event" = "event"; variants: readonly [{ kind: "nested" = "nested"; name: "OwnerAdded" = "OwnerAdded"; type: "smartr::component::account::AccountComponent::OwnerAdded" = "smartr::component::account::AccountComponent::OwnerAdded" }, { kind: "nested" = "nested"; name: "OwnerRemoved" = "OwnerRemoved"; type: "smartr::component::account::AccountComponent::OwnerRemoved" = "smartr::component::account::AccountComponent::OwnerRemoved" }] }, { kind: "enum" = "enum"; name: "smartr::modules::sessionkeyvalidator::sessionkeyvalidator::SessionKeyValidator::Event" = "smartr::modules::sessionkeyvalidator::sessionkeyvalidator::SessionKeyValidator::Event"; type: "event" = "event"; variants: readonly [{ kind: "flat" = "flat"; name: "ValidatorEvent" = "ValidatorEvent"; type: "smartr::component::validator::ValidatorComponent::Event" = "smartr::component::validator::ValidatorComponent::Event" }, { kind: "flat" = "flat"; name: "SRC5Event" = "SRC5Event"; type: "openzeppelin::introspection::src5::SRC5Component::Event" = "openzeppelin::introspection::src5::SRC5Component::Event" }, { kind: "flat" = "flat"; name: "AccountEvent" = "AccountEvent"; type: "smartr::component::account::AccountComponent::Event" = "smartr::component::account::AccountComponent::Event" }] }]

Defined in



Const __module_validate__: "0x119c88dea7ff05dbe71c36247fc6682116f6dafa24089373d49aca7b2657017"

Defined in




classHash(className?): string

Computes the hash of the requested class that is part of the 0xknwn/starknet-modular-account project.


NameTypeDefault valueDescription
className"SessionKeyValidator""SessionKeyValidator"The name of the contract class.



The hash of the contract class.


This function requires the cairo contract to be compiled with the scarb build command at the root of the project.

Defined in



declareClass(account, className?): Promise<{ classHash: string = HelperClassHash } | { actual_fee: { amount: string ; unit: "WEI" | "FRI" } ; block_hash: string ; block_number: number ; classHash: string = declare.class_hash; events: { data: string[] ; from_address: string ; keys: string[] }[] ; execution_resources: { bitwise_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; data_availability: undefined | { l1_data_gas: number ; l1_gas: number } ; ec_op_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; ecdsa_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; keccak_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; memory_holes: undefined | number ; pedersen_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; poseidon_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; range_check_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; segment_arena_builtin: undefined | number ; steps: number } ; execution_status: "SUCCEEDED" | "REVERTED" ; finality_status: "ACCEPTED_ON_L2" | "ACCEPTED_ON_L1" ; messages_sent: { from_address: string ; payload: string[] ; to_address: string }[] ; revert_reason: undefined | string ; statusReceipt: keyof TransactionStatusReceiptSets ; transaction_hash: string ; type: "INVOKE" ; value: TransactionReceiptValue } | { actual_fee: { amount: string ; unit: "WEI" | "FRI" } ; classHash: string = declare.class_hash; events: { data: string[] ; from_address: string ; keys: string[] }[] ; execution_resources: { bitwise_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; data_availability: undefined | { l1_data_gas: number ; l1_gas: number } ; ec_op_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; ecdsa_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; keccak_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; memory_holes: undefined | number ; pedersen_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; poseidon_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; range_check_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; segment_arena_builtin: undefined | number ; steps: number } ; execution_status: "SUCCEEDED" | "REVERTED" ; finality_status: "ACCEPTED_ON_L2" | "ACCEPTED_ON_L1" ; messages_sent: { from_address: string ; payload: string[] ; to_address: string }[] ; revert_reason: undefined | string ; statusReceipt: keyof TransactionStatusReceiptSets ; transaction_hash: string ; type: "INVOKE" ; value: TransactionReceiptValue } | { actual_fee: { amount: string ; unit: "WEI" | "FRI" } ; block_hash: string ; block_number: number ; classHash: string = declare.class_hash; events: { data: string[] ; from_address: string ; keys: string[] }[] ; execution_resources: { bitwise_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; data_availability: undefined | { l1_data_gas: number ; l1_gas: number } ; ec_op_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; ecdsa_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; keccak_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; memory_holes: undefined | number ; pedersen_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; poseidon_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; range_check_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; segment_arena_builtin: undefined | number ; steps: number } ; execution_status: "SUCCEEDED" | "REVERTED" ; finality_status: "ACCEPTED_ON_L2" | "ACCEPTED_ON_L1" ; messages_sent: { from_address: string ; payload: string[] ; to_address: string }[] ; revert_reason: undefined | string ; statusReceipt: keyof TransactionStatusReceiptSets ; transaction_hash: string ; type: "DECLARE" ; value: TransactionReceiptValue } | { actual_fee: { amount: string ; unit: "WEI" | "FRI" } ; classHash: string = declare.class_hash; events: { data: string[] ; from_address: string ; keys: string[] }[] ; execution_resources: { bitwise_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; data_availability: undefined | { l1_data_gas: number ; l1_gas: number } ; ec_op_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; ecdsa_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; keccak_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; memory_holes: undefined | number ; pedersen_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; poseidon_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; range_check_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; segment_arena_builtin: undefined | number ; steps: number } ; execution_status: "SUCCEEDED" | "REVERTED" ; finality_status: "ACCEPTED_ON_L2" | "ACCEPTED_ON_L1" ; messages_sent: { from_address: string ; payload: string[] ; to_address: string }[] ; revert_reason: undefined | string ; statusReceipt: keyof TransactionStatusReceiptSets ; transaction_hash: string ; type: "DECLARE" ; value: TransactionReceiptValue } | { actual_fee: string ; block_hash?: string ; block_number?: BlockNumber ; classHash: string = declare.class_hash; events: any[] ; execution_status: any ; finality_status: any ; messages_sent: MessageToL1[] ; revert_reason?: string ; status?: TransactionStatus ; statusReceipt: keyof TransactionStatusReceiptSets ; transaction_hash: string ; transaction_index?: number ; type?: any ; value: TransactionReceiptValue } | { classHash: string = declare.class_hash; status: "REJECTED" ; statusReceipt: keyof TransactionStatusReceiptSets ; transaction_failure_reason: { code: string ; error_message: string } ; value: TransactionReceiptValue }>

If not already declared, declare the requested class from the 0xknwn/starknet-modular-account project to the Starknet network used by the provided account.


NameTypeDefault valueDescription
accountAccountundefinedThe starknet.js account used to declare the class.
className"SessionKeyValidator""SessionKeyValidator"The name of the class to declare. Defaults to "SmartrAccount".


Promise<{ classHash: string = HelperClassHash } | { actual_fee: { amount: string ; unit: "WEI" | "FRI" } ; block_hash: string ; block_number: number ; classHash: string = declare.class_hash; events: { data: string[] ; from_address: string ; keys: string[] }[] ; execution_resources: { bitwise_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; data_availability: undefined | { l1_data_gas: number ; l1_gas: number } ; ec_op_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; ecdsa_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; keccak_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; memory_holes: undefined | number ; pedersen_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; poseidon_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; range_check_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; segment_arena_builtin: undefined | number ; steps: number } ; execution_status: "SUCCEEDED" | "REVERTED" ; finality_status: "ACCEPTED_ON_L2" | "ACCEPTED_ON_L1" ; messages_sent: { from_address: string ; payload: string[] ; to_address: string }[] ; revert_reason: undefined | string ; statusReceipt: keyof TransactionStatusReceiptSets ; transaction_hash: string ; type: "INVOKE" ; value: TransactionReceiptValue } | { actual_fee: { amount: string ; unit: "WEI" | "FRI" } ; classHash: string = declare.class_hash; events: { data: string[] ; from_address: string ; keys: string[] }[] ; execution_resources: { bitwise_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; data_availability: undefined | { l1_data_gas: number ; l1_gas: number } ; ec_op_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; ecdsa_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; keccak_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; memory_holes: undefined | number ; pedersen_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; poseidon_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; range_check_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; segment_arena_builtin: undefined | number ; steps: number } ; execution_status: "SUCCEEDED" | "REVERTED" ; finality_status: "ACCEPTED_ON_L2" | "ACCEPTED_ON_L1" ; messages_sent: { from_address: string ; payload: string[] ; to_address: string }[] ; revert_reason: undefined | string ; statusReceipt: keyof TransactionStatusReceiptSets ; transaction_hash: string ; type: "INVOKE" ; value: TransactionReceiptValue } | { actual_fee: { amount: string ; unit: "WEI" | "FRI" } ; block_hash: string ; block_number: number ; classHash: string = declare.class_hash; events: { data: string[] ; from_address: string ; keys: string[] }[] ; execution_resources: { bitwise_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; data_availability: undefined | { l1_data_gas: number ; l1_gas: number } ; ec_op_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; ecdsa_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; keccak_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; memory_holes: undefined | number ; pedersen_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; poseidon_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; range_check_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; segment_arena_builtin: undefined | number ; steps: number } ; execution_status: "SUCCEEDED" | "REVERTED" ; finality_status: "ACCEPTED_ON_L2" | "ACCEPTED_ON_L1" ; messages_sent: { from_address: string ; payload: string[] ; to_address: string }[] ; revert_reason: undefined | string ; statusReceipt: keyof TransactionStatusReceiptSets ; transaction_hash: string ; type: "DECLARE" ; value: TransactionReceiptValue } | { actual_fee: { amount: string ; unit: "WEI" | "FRI" } ; classHash: string = declare.class_hash; events: { data: string[] ; from_address: string ; keys: string[] }[] ; execution_resources: { bitwise_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; data_availability: undefined | { l1_data_gas: number ; l1_gas: number } ; ec_op_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; ecdsa_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; keccak_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; memory_holes: undefined | number ; pedersen_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; poseidon_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; range_check_builtin_applications: undefined | number ; segment_arena_builtin: undefined | number ; steps: number } ; execution_status: "SUCCEEDED" | "REVERTED" ; finality_status: "ACCEPTED_ON_L2" | "ACCEPTED_ON_L1" ; messages_sent: { from_address: string ; payload: string[] ; to_address: string }[] ; revert_reason: undefined | string ; statusReceipt: keyof TransactionStatusReceiptSets ; transaction_hash: string ; type: "DECLARE" ; value: TransactionReceiptValue } | { actual_fee: string ; block_hash?: string ; block_number?: BlockNumber ; classHash: string = declare.class_hash; events: any[] ; execution_status: any ; finality_status: any ; messages_sent: MessageToL1[] ; revert_reason?: string ; status?: TransactionStatus ; statusReceipt: keyof TransactionStatusReceiptSets ; transaction_hash: string ; transaction_index?: number ; type?: any ; value: TransactionReceiptValue } | { classHash: string = declare.class_hash; status: "REJECTED" ; statusReceipt: keyof TransactionStatusReceiptSets ; transaction_failure_reason: { code: string ; error_message: string } ; value: TransactionReceiptValue }>

An object containing the declared class hash and the transaction receipt if the class was not already declared.


An error if the class deployment fails.


This function requires the cairo contract to be compiled with the scarb build command at the root of the project. It also requires the account to have enough funds to declare the class to the Starknet network.

Defined in
